Posted by: North Georgia Eye Associates in Blog,Vision Care

Laser Cataract Surgery Near Me - Gainesville Eye Associates

Eye allergies, especially in the Spring, are very common. When an irritant like pollen and dust gets in the eye, your eye produces histamine as a defense to the irritant.

When this happens the eyelid becomes swollen, itchy and red, and your eyes will tear up. Most eye allergies are temporary with the season.

There are several treatments you can try to get relief from allergies. Artificial tears can offer temporary relief by washing out the irritant. Over-the-counter decongestants can reduce the symptoms. Oral antihistamines can help but a side effect can make your eyes dry.

If the allergies are severe, you can check with your doctor about prescribing steroid eye drops.

Limit your time outside and do your best to avoid irritants.